The 24 Hour Plays: Nationals introduces audiences to a generation of new artists who’ve gone on to change the game in American theater, film and television. We seek the very best of the next generation of theatermakers and arm them with what they need to find their way in this business – each other.
Presented at The New School
The 24 Hour PLays: Nationals 2017
The Peabody Family Puppet Theater Troupe Presents
Written by Jess Honovich
Directed by Nick O’Leary
Featuring Cassie Gilling, Constantine Malahias, Louis Jannuzzi III, and Alice Kors
What’s My Type?
Written by Jordan Barsky
Directed by Lyndsay Burch
Featuring Marshall Louise, Evelyn Rivera-Cardenas, and Katherine George
The Colchester Thunder
Written by Anya Richkind
Directed by Jenna Rossman
Featuring Peter Danelski, Isra Elsalihie, Katelyn Figueroa, and Vanessa Bretas
Written by Shara Feit
Directed by Ally Benko
Featuring Michael Fell, Kevin Kantor, Ashley Taylor Greaves, and Stephen Amenta
Non-Laughter Anonymous
Written by A.K. Payne
Directed by Gineiris Garcia
Featuring Chris Murphy, Simone Policano, Makaela Shealey, and Trevor Liu
In Her Blood
Written by Andrew Rincon
Directed by Nailah Harper-Malveaux
Featuring Ilia Paulino, Aaron Johnson, Mason Hensley, Patrick Reilly
Musical Guests
Keren Abreu