Nationals 2007

The 24 Hour Plays: Old Vic New Voices

Building up the next generation of theatermakers to create new work and build career-long artistic relationships.

Atlantic Theater
Supporting The 24 Hour Plays

Body Shots

Written by Josh Koenigsberg
Directed by Alli Maxwell

Melissa Joyner
Zack Robidas
Roarke Satava

The Easy Way to Quit Smoking

Written by Bekah Brunstetter
Directed by Sherri Barber

Zoe Anastassiou
Rory Lipede
Kit Williamson

This Is How

Written by Laura Jacqmin
Directed by Colette Robert

Bobby Moreno
Zoe Perry
Will Rogers

One More Song the Radio Won’t Like

Written by Olivia Mandelbaum
Directed by Laura Savia

Stefanie Estes
David Norik
Sarah Ries

Man Ascends or Perhaps the Sky is Falling After All

Written by Harrison David Rivers
Directed by James Dacre

Satya Bhabha
Matthew Hadley
Jamie Klassel
Mary Quick

Keep Truckin’

Written by Mike Lew
Directed by David Ruttura

Julia Grob
Lauren Hines
Brandon Scott
Nick Spangler
Chris Smith


Kelcie Beene, Jaime Green, Rachel Helson, Carly Hugo