The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: RHS Raven Players

Online! , United States

Isolation may mean we can't be in a theatre together, but it doesn't mean we can't create and celebrate theatre together! Members of Troupe 7161 wrote and performed monologues as part of our week of theatre challenges to connect with each other and their community through their art. Follow RHS Raven Players on Facebook to see some of their work from the week. We'll stream their monologues on Friday at 7:00 pm.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Kenyon College

Online! , United States

With on campus productions cancelled in the midst of the pandemic, the Kenyon theatre community will migrate to the digital platform to continue making theatre, together, from afar.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Pori

Online! , United States

The 24 Hour Plays: Pori has achieved great popularity since 2013. Now, in order to meet the challenges created by social isolation, we are bringing The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Pori to Finland!


The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Medway High School

Online! , United States

What do you do when your induction ceremony for your International Thespian Society troupe gets cancelled? Bring your theatre to the internet! Tune in to @medwayhsperformingarts on Instagram to watch our new inductees and current members of Troupe 8867 as they present the fruits of their labors in this 24-hour monologue challenge.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: EC2 Company

Online! , United States

The Stella Adler Two Year Conservatory graduates-to-be are coming together from all over the globe to share their art during this time.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Social Distancing!

Online! , United States

What happens when a group of high school students: 1) Have their show canceled 5 days before they were supposed to open, 2) Have no source of income to produce next year's shows, and 3) Find creativity in boredom? This.