The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Pori


The 24 Hour Plays: Pori has achieved great popularity since 2013. Now, in order to meet the challenges created by social isolation, we are bringing The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Pori to Finland!


The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Medway High School


What do you do when your induction ceremony for your International Thespian Society troupe gets cancelled? Bring your theatre to the internet! Tune in to @medwayhsperformingarts on Instagram to watch our new inductees and current members of Troupe 8867 as they present the fruits of their labors in this 24-hour monologue challenge.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Social Distancing!


What happens when a group of high school students: 1) Have their show canceled 5 days before they were supposed to open, 2) Have no source of income to produce next year's shows, and 3) Find creativity in boredom? This.

The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: Jesuit High School


Building on the success of November’s 24 HOUR PLAYS: Jesuit High School, The JHS Theatre Program is transforming the 2020 JHS PLAYWRITING FESTIVAL into THE 24 HOUR PLAYS: VIRAL MONOLOGUES - Jesuit High School, featuring student-written, student-directed, and student-performed work from living rooms, kitchens, and garages throughout the greater Portland area (and beyond).

The 24 Hour Plays: Cyprus

Nicosia Municipal Theatre 4 Mouseiou Street, Nicosia, Nicosia

The most historical theatre in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus is pushing out of the coronavirus crisis with new work inspired by the crisis itself and the new era rising post crisis.
